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After a good summer break, the new school year is next. Many children and families are excited and nervous at the same time. They might be excited to meet new peers, spaces, and routines, or they might be anxious for the same reasons. Newness is not always welcoming to children. Many children love and are comfortable structured and ordinary routines. They know what is expected and what to do. When they go back to school or go to school for the first time, it could be a big change and will take children time to adjust. Here are 5 important points for children and families to remember when getting ready for school that will make it easier for the kids to transition into.

1. Backpacks

Once they begin diving into the school system, a backpack is their best friend. It must be big enough to free up the child’s hands and unique enough to distinguish their backpack amongst other’s. Keychains are great vivid point to give a child’s backpack an identity. Durability is also something to keep in mind. It could be very awkward for a child to have a broken backpack on their first day of the school.

2. Stationery

Children will try to orient themselves for the first few days or weeks. Stationary is needed so that they can write their name, take notes, doodle while waiting or play games with their friends, and of course, to stay organised. Having names on their stationery is a must since there are many friends with similar or same ones.

3. Extra Clothing

If your child is going to kindergarten, an extra change of clothes is necessary. There will be rainy days, days that they might have uncontrollable accidents, or crazy artistic activities. To keep themselves fresh and clean, it is great to pack extra clothing that is simple and easy to change. Make sure you label them with their names. There are always piles of clothing in the Lost & Found bin without names!

4. Weather/Activity Appropriate Clothing and Gear

Rainy days are so much fun during recess and lunch time. Starting from splashing in the puddles, tasting the raindrops, making water tunnels on the sandy area, etc, children should be ready for these fun moments with proper gear. They will probably still be soaked from head to toe but at least having a rain jacket gives them the encouragement needed for them to join the fun. Watch the weather forecast and pack extra gear and clothing.

5. Extra Love

Some children are excited and may have anxiety of the new environment, peers, teachers and routines. Give extra hugs and kisses to children to boost self-esteem and courage. Let them know that they are okay to feel what they are feeling and give reassurance by saying that you have their back and teachers are there to support them.


We hope the above tips help you and your kiddos to transition into the school year smoothly. Enjoy the last few days of summer break and we look forward to seeing you all in class!

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