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Parkland Players Open Child Care Policies

Parents Information

Our program is based on the philosophy that all children are equal and unique individuals. We accommodate each child to his/her own rate of development.

We provide a warm, safe and nurturing environment to cultivate children’s optimal social and emotional growth as well as their physical and intellectual skills, in addition to promoting confidence and success, we also encourage children to learn to be creative independent.

To achieve a high quality program, we offer:

  • Well-trained, warm, nurturing and caring staff whose expertise and commitment are valued
  • A rich and stimulating environment which can respond and adapt to the needs of individual children
  • A predictable yet flexible routine that offers children the security of a stable framework for their day
  • On-going communication between families and staff as part of an open and supportive relationship and commitment to work in partnership.

Program Goals

The most important goal of Early Childhood Curriculum is to help children become enthusiastic learners. This means surrounding children with a rich learning environment that will encourage children to be creative explorers. Our programming is designed to promote optimal growth and development of each child through a variety of daily activities. Our goal is to help children become independent, self-confident and inquisitive learners.

Fee Responsibility of Enrolling Parent

In the case where the parents are separated and are both paying day care fees, the enrolling parent will be responsible to make sure that fees are being paid in a timely manner. All fee payment notices will be given to the enrolling parent.

Family Engagement 

At Parkland Players we treat every child uniquely, providing them with individual attention on their personal development path. Our reporting system continuously provides a transparent window to your child’s growth and development.

COVID-19 Policy

We have updated our COVID-19 Safety Policy  COVID-19 Plan and our Safety Protocol Plan. Please click on the corresponding document to view.


We would like to create a Bully Free Zone in our Before and After School Care Program.

The mission of Parkland Players and Meadowbrook Players is to foster a safe, nurturing and respectful environment where staff, parents and students work together to provide opportunities which enable all learners to maximize their intellectual, physical, aesthetic, social and emotional development.


Our Policies allows Parkland Players to provide consistent quality childcare services; catering a safe and nurturing environment. It is important to us that our parents to be aware of our policies and their importance. Please contact management for details on the policy. A brief of our policies are provided on the website for general public information.

Physical Activity Policy

At Parkland Players we encourage children and families to have at least one-hour active playtime every day. Staff will lead children for active playtime per day for an hour at a time.

Staff will role model activities targeting loco-motor skills, such as running, hopping, jumping, and games that involve these sorts of movements. Staff will make sure breaking prolong sitting time activities, and children have chance to have enough amount of un-facilitated free-play time. Staff will make sure to address injury prevention during active play activities by explaining and modelling what is safe play.

Program planning will also involve activities that promote physical education, healthy development, active games, and fundamental movement skills.

Please contact management for more details on this policy.

For details of this policy please Click Here

Open Door Policy

Parkland Players respects that parents/ guardians may want to drop in to visit their children from time to time unannounced. We welcome any person on the pick up list to visit the Center.

Toys Policy

We prefer that children do not bring toys from home because they may cause difficulties with sharing and may be lost or broken.

Show and Tell Policy

Once a week, the centre has a time for show and tell during circle time. Each child is welcome to bring in a special toy to show and tell to the rest of the children.

Birthday Policy

We feel it is important to acknowledge every child’s birthday. Children’s birthday will be celebrated and parents are welcome to bring in a special snack (cake) to share. Please ensure that it is peanut/nut free as we have children with allergies. If you have a special way of celebrating your child’s birthday, staff will be happy to include it in our program.

Discipline Policy

The purpose of guidance and discipline is to help children acquire the skills of self-control, self–confidence, and ultimately self–discipline. The discipline policy respects the rights and well being of each child. Our goal is to provide and maintain a safe, nurturing and healthy learning and living environment in which each child can feel secure. We will provide a stimulating environment to encourage positive play, comfort and social interaction. We will model appropriate and respectful behaviour, and demonstrate respectful affection and caring to each child at all times. In guiding a child’s behaviour, we use positive guidance, encouraging the use of problem solving techniques that develop self-confidence and communication skills. We encourage children to verbalize their feelings, allowing for choices and reinforcing positive behaviours rather than negative ones. Setting clear, consistent and simple limits is important. Knowing their limits, the children can trust the adults and feel safe and secure. We will acknowledge each child’s feelings and give verbal directions and redirection as the main way of guiding children. We explain that we can’t allow the children to hurt themselves, to hurt another child or adult or to damage property. We try to positively redirect them and to show them what behaviour is permissible.

Example: When two children are in conflict, the staff will assist them to verbalize their feelings, letting them know it is all right to be angry and help them find an appropriate way to express their anger. Our goal is to help children develop self-discipline, and to find acceptable ways of expressing and controlling feelings. We do this by encouraging children to use their language to express their feelings and desires.

Water Safety Policy

Water related activities have added risk which must be assessed, and appropriate safety precautions must be put in place to protect children from harm.

For details of this policy please Click Here

Items Needed at the Centre

Parents are requested to bring and make sure that there is always a complete change of clothes brought from home and kept at the center. Parents are asked to provide a clean change of appropriate indoor and outdoor clothing at all times.

Appropriate indoor & outdoor clothing includes:

An extra shirt, pants, underwear and socks.
In the winter please ensure that your child has a coat, hat and a pair of mittens.
For raining days please bring appropriate rainwear, raincoat, rain boots and indoor slippers.
In the summer please bring a hat, sunscreen lotion and appropriate shoes (NO THONGS OR FLIP FLOPS please).

Please call or let one of the Educators know if your child will be away from the centre. We have an answering machine available at any time during the day at: 604 936 7005.

First Day of School

On the first day of school the daycare will not picking up or dropping off children to / from the schools. However there is still daycare available from 7:30am to 5:30 pm.

Emergency Comfort Kits

We are asking every child to bring a comfort kit to have in case of an emergency: fire or earthquake.

Letter from mom or dad that comfort the child as well please write your most recent contact information
Family picture
Wipes, diapers/pull ups, gloves (if needed)
Hand sanitizer
Bottle of water
Snacks (non–perishable food: granola bars, fruit snacks)

Emergency Contact Information

As soon as it is possible the manager will try contacting parents

If phone lines are down and if the long distance lines come back first, the manager will contact the out of area person and leave a message for the parents

The out of area person’s contact number should be kept with parents at all time to ensure they receive any emergency messages

Out of Province Contact Person:

South-View Child Care Center (Alberta, Edmonton)
Contact name: Fran Aarnoutse
Tel: 780-436-1823

Daycare Closure

Centre will be closed on the following days:

Christmas Day
New Years
Boxing Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
Canada Day
Civic Holiday
Labor Day
Truth and Reconciliation Day (Orange Shirt Day)
Thanksgiving Day
Remembrance Day
Second Week of Winter Break


If a statutory holiday falls on a weekend, either the proceeding Friday or Monday is a holiday.

We will close at 3:00 pm on the last day before Christmas and New Year.

Preschool Closures

We will be closed on the following days: Professional Days (usually 1 per month), Christmas Break and Spring Break.

The preschool follows the school district schedule for professional days, Christmas Break and Spring Break.

Center Closure

In addition to the above closures, the Center will be closed for a total of 3 days during the year for reasons including maintenance and upgrade of facilities and /or for professional development of the staff or other reasons that seem fit to the Center.

Parents will be given at least one month’s notice of when these closures will be.


Extreme Weather Condition – School  Closure

Click here to read about the Weather Condition Disclosures

Food & Nutrition

We are a Peanut Free Zone!

A healthy snack is provided to every child in the afternoons.

Snack Menu includes the following but not limited to:

  • Beans
  • Mashed potato
  • Rice and Vegetables
  • Green Pees
  • Rice Krispy square
  • Pasta
  • Crackers and Jam
  • Jell-O

All Snacks will be served with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Please ask management for detail of our nutrition policy.

Health and Illness

Click here to view details of our Child Care Health & Illness Policy

Hygiene and Prevention

A child should be kept home when any of the following symptoms occur:

  • Pain-any complaints of unexplained or undiagnosed pain
  • Common cold with listlessness, runny nose and eyes, coughing and sore throat
    • Once the child’s temperature, well being and energy return to normal, the child is
      no longer considered contagious and may return back to daycare regardless if they
      continue to have a cough or runny nose
    • If the child’s symptoms are due to an allergy such as asthma or hay fever, the child
      does not need to be excluded as they are not contagious
  • Difficulty breathing-wheezing or a persistent cough
  • Fever (100 degrees F/38.3 degrees C or more), sore throat or trouble swallowing
  • Infected skin, discharge from eyes, or an undiagnosed rash
  • Headache and stiff neck *should see physician)
  • Unexplained diarrhea or loose stool in the last 24 hours (may or may not be combined
    with nausea, vomiting or stomach cramps).
  • Nausea or vomiting 1 or more times in past 24 hours
  • Severe itching, dry skin of either body or scalp if caused by head lice or scabies
  • Children with known suspected communicable diseases

The child should be kept home until all symptoms have stopped

In summary, a child must be kept at home (or taken home) when the child

  • Is suffering from one or more of the above symptoms, or:
  • Is not well enough to take part in the regular programs of the facility


Medication Administration

Medication will be administered to children only when absolutely necessary with the following guidelines:

Parents must fill out an administration of medication form before any medication can be administered to a child. The form includes date, child’s name, Dr’s name and phone number, dosage and information about the medication. Parents must sign the form. Staff will document on the amount the medication. Staff will document on the form the date, time and dosage of when the medication was administered.

Medication must be sent in the original container and include directions for use or physicians instructions (no over the counter medications will be administered unless accompanied by a Dr’s note stating the dose and name of medication)

Medications will be placed in the Medication Box and inaccessible to the children

In regards to inhalers, they will be kept in a clear Ziploc bag (labeled with the child’s name) on the Staff Board. However staff will only assist the child when administering the medication (hand over hand)

All inhalers must be prescribed by a doctor and a medical form must be filled out; inhalers must be handed directly to staff in a Ziploc bag with the child’s name on it


The center will not accept children with allergy plans without a valid puffer and EPI PEN.

Arrival and Departures

Every child is to be personally dropped off or picked up by a parent/guardian or an authorized person stated in the registration package and emergency consent card. Your child is to be signed in daily on the sign-in sheet. If any unauthorized person (not on the pick–up list) comes to pick up your child, the child will not be released without WRITTEN consent dated and signed by the parent. The Educators are forbidden to allow your child to leave the Centre with anyone other than yourself or a person authorized by you.

Kindergarten Transition

We would like to inform you that the children are walked to their classroom and we are waiting until the teacher comes to take them into the classroom. Children are not allowed to stay on the playground before or after school.

Late Pick up

Procedure if a child is NOT picked up by 5:30 pm and a parents HAS NOT phoned:

Try to reach all persons who have been designated as a pick up person for that child on their emergency form. I.e. parents and emergency contacts. Starting with parents first.
Try each designated person at least 2 times; also leave a message to let them know you are trying to contact them in regards to picking up their child from daycare, leave time, contact info, name and date.

Late fee charge

We aim to close our center promptly at 5:30 pm. In order to discourage late pick ups and to pay staff for their extra time we have late fee charges.

No Contact

If no contact can be made with either a parent or emergency contact person in regards to coming and picking up the child by 8pm, Social Service and Ministry of Children which is recommended as a policy procedure. Please be aware that constant late pick-ups will be cause for termination of the parent agreement contract, this would be determined by the center manager.

Late Fees

5:30 to 5:40pm is a flat rate of $15. An additional $5 will be added every 5 minutes until the child is picked up from the center. Therefore a 5:45pm pick up will result in a late fee of $20($15 + $5) for the additional 5 min = $20 and so forth.

Emergency Pickup

In order to ensure your child’s safety; please send a written note when someone other than yourself or your emergency contact will be picking up your child. Please state the first and last name of who will be picking up your child, the time they will pick up your child and the date. Also, please ensure that who ever is picking up your child has photo identification on hand before the child will be released into their care. Any last minute arrangements to send the child to a friend’s house after 3pm will not be acceptable unless the center is informed by 9am the same day of the play date.

After School Activities

We would like to advise the parents that the daycare can not be responsible for your child in ANY after school activities which happen after dismissal. This includes track and field, kilometer club, or any other after school sports. It is also up to parents to make arrangements for their child to come to the daycare after these activities. We take full responsibility ONCE your child has arrived to the daycare. We can not take responsibility in any after school activities. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Termination Policy



In the event that the provider decides to terminate the child care relationship due to repeated contact violations, the provider  reserves the legal right to terminate the child care relationship without notice. Any false accusations or threats made to our staff by the parents/legal guardians will lead to immediate termination. to avoid the unfortunate situation from occurring, parents and legal  guardians are required to thoroughly read the entire child care contracts as well as sign off on the written warnings of any incident their child is a part of.

Parent/ Legal Guardian

In the event that the parent or legal guardian chooses to terminate the child care for any reason the parent or legal guardian will be required to submit a letter in writing and provide at least two months notice. The parent / legal guardian will be responsible for all final payments through the end of the notice period regardless of whether or not the child is attending the facility. Also the parents will surrender the deposit fee as it is only refundable to the client in the last month of their registration.