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The summer is finally here and the swimming season at it’s peak. It is a time to recall some important water safety rules. The best what parents can do for their kids regarding to water safety is to enroll them in formal lessons where they are learning to swim. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) declares that even some formal swimming instruction for children over the one-year-old reduce the risk of drowning.

In an article by Carithers Pediatric Group, introduce us to safety tips for young children and families regarding water safety tips. As Summer is here and we can feel the heat and sunshine, here are some tips to learn before we dive in with our young ones.

1. No Swimming Alone

The first rule – nobody swims alone. There is always should be somebody who keep an eye on people in the water. Furthermore, make sure that on public beaches or pools lifeguards are on duty and they can help in emergencies.

2. Make Sure Kids are Supervised

The second important rule – parents always should be withing arms reach of young children.
Even older children who are experienced swimmers should still be monitored while in the water.

3. Wear Life Vests When Needed

Children should wear a Coast Guard-certified life jacket each time they experience boating, or other water activities.
Also, young, and inexperienced children should wear a life jacket always when they are around water. And still, even when kids are wearing life jacket, they are not allowed to spend their time on water without supervision. Parent’s supervision is mandatory all the time.

4. Skip Breath-Holding Games

Practicing this type of games can be dangerous for kids. It can cause hyperventilation and even lead to passing out. Children also shouldn’t swim underwater without coming up for air for a long time. Breathing techniques should be learn in practice to avoid harmful effects.

5. Stay Away from Pool Drains

It is a matter of importance to know where the drains in the swimming pool are located and aware kids to stay away. Hair or swimming suit can get caught in the drain which can lead to injury or drowning. Make sure all drains are covered.

6. Don’t Swim Sick

Sick people should avoid swimming, the germs can be spread in the water which can cause other people sickness. Also, it is highly recommended to take a shower before getting into the water at public pools.

7. Don’t Swallow Water

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just one mouthful of water containing certain germs can make you sick for up to 3 weeks. Avoid swallowing water in any environment: pool, lake, ocean etc.

8. Learn CPR

It’s always a good idea to learn CPR in case of an emergency. The Red Cross offers classes to learn. This course takes one day only, and you will and get certified in CPR.


8 water safety tips for summer

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