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Parkland Players Registration

How to Register with Parkland Players

New Registration (New Families)  CLICK HERE

We request every family to complete our Registration form online

Once we receive your inquiry, we will reach out to you via email. To ensure a prompt response, kindly confirm that the email address in your application is correct.

Note: Don’t forget to let us know for which location & program you are requesting.

Registration Fees:

Waitlist & Online Registration is Free

There will be a non-refundable $250 Registration Process Fee


A deposit of $250 will be charged that will be deducted on the last month of the child’s enrollment, dependent on completion of the contract term (for Infant/Toddler and Group Daycare, the contract term is September to August, for Out of School Care and Preschool the contract term is September to June).

 Re-registration (Existing Families)  CLICK HERE

You can simply inform us throughout our Re-registration form

If you have a new child to be added to our system please click here.

You will receive a confirmation once the re-registration is completed by us.

Note: Please notify us about any changes to the child’s profile.

Registration Fees:

A $200 non-refundable re-registration fee will be deducted from the child’s initial deposit.


As re-registration fees are getting deducted from the Initial Deposit, the remaining balance, if any, will be returned on the last month of the child’s enrollment from facilities dependent on completion of the contract term (for Infant/Toddler and Group Daycare the contract term is September to August, for Out of School Care and Preschool the contract term is September to June).

 Changes to Application

Please complete the Request and Inquiry Form and notify us about the changes on your child application or contact us at: 604.670.8830

Parkland Players Registration Procedure

Our enrollment process is designed to ensure a smooth and seamless experience for you and your family. Here is what to expect once the registration form is completed:

  1. Our team will contact you to confirm availability or inform you that your child has been placed on our waitlist.
  2. You will be invited for a tour of our facilities, as it is important for us to meet the future student & family of our childcare and discuss registration details.
  3. Upon completion of the tour, contract and necessary documents will be sent to you via DocuSign for signature.
  4. We will follow up to ensure all information is received and complete your full registration.
  5. A registration deposit will be required, followed by postdated cheques or EFT information for monthly fees.
  6. Finally, you will receive a welcome email with all important information for your child’s starting date, including an Emergency Kit.
  7. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to our family at Parkland Players.


Family Rate

Families with more than one child registered will have the advantage of using the Family Rate.

Savings on Full-Time Registered Siblings:

  • Infant & Toddler: $50/monthly/Family
  • Group Daycare: $50/monthly/Family
  • Out of School Care: $50/monthly/Family
  • Preschool: $10-$25/monthly/Family
 Parkland Players Current Families

Parkland Players pre-registration will start in February for the duration of the month.

Parkland Player’s New Families

If the program is at Capacity, the child will be on the wait list before March of that year. Parkland Players’ early registration will be open to the public on the first of March of each year for a duration of one month.


We take pride in the value and quality of child care provided.

We have opt-in CCOF Funding, CCFRI, and ECE-WE Programs to provide affordable pricing to our families and support to our staff.

The amounts below will be deducted from the child’s monthly fee based on their age.


Days IT – Age under 3 GD- Age 3 to 5
(not in school)
(before & after school)
5  $900  $545  $320


Days Pre School Out of School Care
(Grade 1+)
5  $95  $115

Children’s Monthly Fees, displayed in the table below for School Year Sept 2024 – Aug 2025:

Infant & Toddler

Infant & Toddler (0 – 18 months)

Class Rate
2 Days $925
3 Days $1,375
5 Days $1,880
Drop-in $140


Infant & Toddler (18 – 36 months)

Class Rate
2 Days $925
3 Days $1,370
5 Days $1,870
Drop-in $140

Group Daycare (3 years to 5 years)

  Class Rate
2 Days $690
3 Days $1,035
5 Days $1,270

Preschool AM/PM (2.5 years to 5 years)

  AM Class Rate PM Class Rate Duration
2 Days $200 $200 2.5 Hrs.
3 Days $265 $265 2.5 Hrs.
5 Days $420 $420 2.5 Hrs.

PM rate includes the following additional programs: Dance, Music, Building Blocks, French & Yoga.

Preschool Extended Day (2.5 years to 5 years)

  Class Rate
2 Days $340
3 Days $450
5 Days $645

The extended day rate includes the fee for the following additional programs, offered between the hours of 11:30-1:00:

Dance, Music, Building Blocks, French & Yoga

Out of School Care (5 years to 12 years)

Kindergarten to Grade 6 Class Rate
2 Days $430
3 Days $475
5 Days  – Parkland Elementary Location $617
5 Days – Meadowbrook Elementary Location $627
AM Only $420
PM Only $470
Transportation is available for:

Porter Elementary School

2 Days $30
3 Days $50
AM or PM Only $50
5 Days $80

(only offered for Parkland Players Regan Ave Location)

To register call: 604.670.8830 or CLICK HERE