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For some children, reading over the summer is a given. They require little encouragement or incentive to pick up a book. For others, however, this is not always the case. So here are some tips on encouraging summer reading in order to retain and build upon literacy skills developed during the school year.

1. Go to the library

This is a good opportunity for you to allow children to choose their own books. Libraries often also have community events or weekly children’s story times that can encourage an interest in reading.

2. Pick out a chapter book to read together

Reading with your children is a great way to lead by example. And, even if it is hard to encourage them to read independently, reading to them or reading together can still provide literacy benefits. Also, the idea of spending time with you can encourage them to participate in the reading (source site below has some great suggestions to read together based on your child’s grade).

3. Celebrate the completion of a book

Have some kind of system in your house for celebrating the completion of a book. Some families like to do a chart with stickers for every book read over the summer in order to see them add up. Others may do a more elaborate celebration like a family movie night (especially if it’s a book adaptation of the novel that was just finished).

4. Write a letter to your child and actually mail it

We really like this idea! Getting mail can be exciting for children, which will encourage them to actually read the letter. Also, write a letter that requires a response so that they can practice writing skills as well!

5. Schedule a daily reading time

Making reading part of your routine can help children get interested in doing it. If reading starts to just feel like part of the day, they will start to get used to it and make it part of their daily activities.

6. Family reading time

Related to the previous, make part of your routine a family reading time. This can be a designated time where everyone in the family reads something of their choice. This is another way to model positive literacy habits to your children.

7. Encourage book clubbing

If your child is highly social, try to encourage them to get involved in, or start a book club with their friends so that they can read and talk about the same books as their peers over the summer.

Here’s hoping you have a summer filled with great books!


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