Once we receive the form Parkland Players will:
Thank You For Your Registration
You are in our system, but your registration is unconfirmed.
- Contact the Client to confirm the availability and registration, Interested families can wait listed if a program is at its capacity.
- Follow up to complete all the needed information for the full registration
- Charge a registration deposit via Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) information will be requested for monthly fees
- Set up a meeting in regards to signage of contract and applications
- Provide the families with a welcome email including the needed information for child’s starting date such as Emergency Kit, etc.
To help speed the progress review our Parkland Players Child Care Registration Check List – All needed forms are available online Click Here to view our Forms
To view all general forms related to our child care and details of Emergency Comfort Kit & Items Required on start date of the child please click here.
It is important for us to have all the needed documents and information before completion of this registration,
Please Provide following for your child registration completion:
- $250 Registration fee
- $250 Deposit, refundable on the last month of enrollment
- Emergency kit
- Two Pictures
- Copy of their immunization record
You can find a brief review of our policies at: http://www.parklandplayers.com/parents-info/
To see our prices and promotions please click here.
Please Print and Sign the VersaPay PAD Agreement.
Please contact-us if you have any questions or concerns in regards your registration and our new payment method at 604.670.8830 Ext. 201 or simply Contact us
We will contact you within one business day. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further inquiries.